Scalp Problems

When people say they have a “dry scalp”, they are often referring to a more chronic scaly complaint. Most people are not aware that there are different types of scalp complaints. The scale on the scalp can be oily or dry depending on the activity of the sebaceous glands that produce a skin lubricating oil called sebum. Over-activity will cause an oily complaint and vice versa.

Types of Scalp Problems

The common dandruffs, known as Pityriasis Capitis, Sicca or Steatoides, are usually non-inflammatory and can be either temporary or long-lasting depending on the severity and cause. They can present as either a dry, white, powdery flaky condition on the scalp and hair, or large, oily scales with no underlying scalp involvement.
Pityriasis can be caused by the onset of puberty, which increases the male hormone, Testosterone. This triggers an increase of sebaceous activity.

On our scalps, we have harmless yeast which, for many, causes no complications. However, for some, this yeast, known as Malassezia, feeds on the sebaceous secretions (sebum), leading to irritation, redness, inflammation and scaling (dandruff).
Dandruff can further be exacerbated by a number of other issues including the physical well-being, the nervous system, bacterial infection, medication, nutrition, climate and, quite commonly, lack of correct hair and scalp care. Most conditions can be minimised or cured with the help of anti-dandruff shampoo.

This is often a chronic or long-lasting scalp/skin complaint and can have a similar appearance to Psoriasis (see below). It shows itself as a thick, tight, yellowy scalp scale, often with a red base. It can cause irritation. It is considered to be incurable. However, as this is one of the most common types of scalp problems we treat, we are able to reduce, contain and control as well as soothe and desensitise the scalp.

The eyebrows and chest areas can also be affected. Due to excessive skin cell production, the condition forms a mixture of loose and attached layers of dead skin cells. The scalp can be quite sensitive and itchy as well as a red in appearance. Possible causes can include: Bacteria, Nervous system reaction, Allergies, Over-active sebaceous glands as well as the wrong hair and scalp care.
The front hairline and the flush facial areas can also appear red. This complaint can be treated and often minimised and controlled with the correct clinical and home product regime.

Simply,an intense scalp irritation. Although it is most often experienced with a flaky scalp complaint, one can still suffer, even with a ‘flake-free’ scalp. One must then consider causes such as skin sensitivity or hyper-sensitive nerve endings in the scalp. The scalp can also be painful, tender and sore. Some of our products are specifically designed to help soothe and reduce the above scalp complaints. Please do take a look at our product page or contact us for further help.

This is also a chronic (long-lasting) condition of the scalp. It shows itself as thick, dry and tight white flakes, usually on a well defined red plaque base. It can overlap the forehead and neck and manifest behind the ears. The condition can be so thickly layered upon itself as to affect hair growth. It can be very itchy and bleed if picked or scratched. Lesions of psoriasis can be found on parts of the body including knees, elbows and back. The condition can also affect the fingernails, which may have a pitted or flaky appearance. Similar to Eczema, Psoriasis is regarded as an autoimmune condition. It can be genetically inherited or self acquired through the nervous system. Both are neither infectious nor contagious.