Why? This is just not necessary. Simply make sure your hair care regime takes into account the changeable temperatures i.e. heavier products such as creams and butters as opposed to light-weight moisturisers.
This is one of the biggest myths. If anything, these hairstyles cause more damage to the hair. The only reason hair appears to have grown is because it is unseen for the time the hair is put away.
This was true 20 years ago as shampoos were very harsh and would ‘strip’ the hair, but the advancements in shampoo formulae enables Textured hair to be washed more often without being stripped of its natural oils.
This is probably the worst advice to be given. It should be every 12 weeks. Otherwise, regrowth will be minimal and the result will be maximum breakage.
Continuing from above, the problem with Textured hair is that it has many more layers of the outer cuticle. The chemicals for relaxing etc have to be very strong to penetrate these layers. However, the inner layer, or cortex, is extremely weak, so it is very important, when carrying out chemical procedures to not overlap or exceed the recommended time guild lines. These are in place for a reason.
This is not always the case. What happens quite often with natural hair is, the hair care regime is ‘given up’. Women are often led to believe the hair is in good shape because it is natural. If anything, the hair requires even more looking after as Textured hair, in its natural state, is very porous, the cuticle layers are naturally open and will absorb moisture from the atmosphere. This is very damaging and will cause the hair to weaken.
Both can be equally healthy if the correct time, care and procedures are adhered to.
Split ends are not repairable. One can temporarily ‘mend’ them but they will never be repaired. The only way to get rid of them is to trim the ends of the hair. If they’re not trimmed, the split ends will travel further up the hair shaft and necessitate cutting the hair shorter than desired.
This is not necessarily true. It all depends on the scalp condition.
Although some people’s scalp is naturally dry and requires the application of oil after a wash, this can cause a scalp to become itchy and flaky.
This is due to a ‘build up’ of products applied to the scalp as well as the length of time between washing.
If a scalp is to be greased, it is advisable to stick to natural products that are easily absorbed into the scalp. Shea butter base and natural cold pressed oils are best.